Spring Tips from the Acupuncturist

Top Ten Tips for Staying Well in the Spring

Written by Rachel Kriger. L.Ac.- Derived from the wisdom of the Five Elements

10) Declare it and it is so! Use your power stored up from winter to declare what you want to see happen in your life. Generate feelings of joy and confidence as you see your visions manifest!

9) Practice making short & long term plans. Use discipline and flexibility.

8) Exercise your eyes by focusing as wide as you can, as far as you can, and as close as you can. Then, close your eyes and focus inwards.

7) Prune your doubts. Let go of what is no longer necessary (things, thoughts, etc.). This will make room for new growth.

6) Pay attention to your dreams and be creative with your interpretations.

5) Have a daily routine/rhythm for sleep, eating & exercise. Go to bed early and wake up early. Eat green leafy vegetables and incorporate peppery & bitter tastes. Create an attitude of gratitude while preparing & eating meals. Regular exercise will help keep your qi moving smoothly.

4) Wear a scarf (even if it is warm out) to protect your neck from the wind. Be prepared for fickle indecisive weather outside AND in your way of being.

3) If you feel frustrated or angry, allow these emotions to move through you. It is best to do this away from other people. You can shout into a pillow, punch the air, scream in the car with the windows closed, and/or cry. Wait & breathe. Then, let it go, OR be creative & take effective action.

2) When you notice yourself in opposition to a person or situation, ask yourself what else is possible. See the challenge as an opportunity for your growth. Be flexible, benevolent, and willing to see beyond your expectations.

1) As in all times of the year, follow these suggestions to the degree that they are helpful for you, and pay attention to your unique body. In springtime, focus on your liver, which stores emotions, and your tendons & ligaments, which can enhance flexibility.

Want support in implementing any of these tips?

Call Rachel today: 215-495-3229

Acupuncture Office Upstairs at The Cedars House Cafe

200 Northwestern Ave (on Forbidden Drive), Philadelphia